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25-W103 Aging Backwards with EssentricsĀ® – Elizabeth Olson


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Spots Available: 0
Instructor: Elizabeth Olson
Course Date: January 13, 2025 to February 14, 2025
This course takes place from 3:00 PM to 3:59 PM:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays

SKU: 25-W103 Categories: ,
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EssentricsĀ® is an exercise program that draws on the flowing movements of tai chi, which create health and balance; the strengthening theories of ballet which create long, lean flexible muscles; and the healing principles of physiotherapy which create a pain free body. AGE BACKWARDS? YOU BET! This “feel good workout” is designed to reverse the effects of aging by increasing and maintaining proper weight, flexibility, mobility, resilience, strength and good health. This means less stiffness, relief from aches and pains, enviable posture and improved balance. The full-body rotational exercises are not difficult to follow. The body flows through a full range of movement that is choreographed to pleasant, appropriate music. Each session will focus on a specific topic relative to the EssentricsĀ® technique and the science of aging. Comfortable, stretchable clothing should be worn. A yoga mat is required. If possible, the class is done in bare feet.
Instructor: Elizabeth Olson

Elizabeth Olson has taught EssentricsĀ® classes and workshops in the Edmonton area over the past 20 years. She qualified as a level 4 EssentricsĀ®/Classical Stretch Instructor certified by the creator of the program, Miranda Esmonde-White.
She has taught exercise programs focused on aerobics and strength training for many years as well and holds current certification with the Alberta Fitness Leadership Association. At age 69 she can state with all assurance that it is the stretching and strengthening of EssentricsĀ® that has kept her from aging rapidly.

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