Important Information
Need to know information to make your student life easier.
The Program Implementation Team
The Program Implementation Team is the group that gets the wheels under the courses!
Members of your Course session Online Team
PI Online Chair: Bill Cook (
- Is the mastermind behind the set up, Zoom scheduling and function of the online team
- Head trouble shooter for all things Zoom
Course Scheduler
- Sets up the course in Zoom
- Sends a course invitation notification along with the Zoom link to course participants, Course Host and Instructor
- Are the ‘behind the scenes’ person at each class
- Are the first line of technical support for the participants, Course Host and the instructor
Course Host
- Is a participant in the course who has volunteered for this role
- The ‘friendly face’ who opens, admits and welcomes participants and instructor to class
- Looks after the ‘housekeeping’ aspects of the course
24 hours prior to the first class
you will receive an email from the Course Scheduler for each course you are registered in. This will have the Zoom invitation to all the classes in this course, along with contact information for the Course Scheduler and Course Host.
To have the best experience in the course, you will need to install the free Zoom app on the device you intend to use to participate in the classes. Install the software by going to this link and follow the directions.
Zoom Tutorials
If you aren’t familiar with Zoom, check out these short videos:
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Updating Your Zoom
If you installed the Zoom software more than a few weeks ago, you need to check for an update.
To check for a Zoom update:
- Start the Zoom app
- Click on the icon in the upper right corner of the Zoom app (see the image to the right)
- Scroll down to the Check for Updates menu item and click on it to see if there is an available update. (see below)
- You will either see a message saying “You are up to date” or you will see a dialogue box offering to install the newest version. If you aren’t up to date, install the latest version.
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General Information
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Course Evaluations
Code of Conduct
I did not receive the ELLA Newsletter
ELLA Membership Surveys
How do I change my email address?
In-Person Session Information
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