The 2024 deadline for charitable donations has been extended to the end of February. Donate today and support Lifelong Learning.

Important Information

Need to know information to make your student life easier.

The Program Implementation Team

The Program Implementation Team is the group that gets the wheels under the courses!

Members of your Course session Online Team

PI Online Chair: Bill Cook (

Course Scheduler

Course Host

24 hours prior to the first class

you will receive an email from the Course Scheduler for each course you are registered in. This will have the Zoom invitation to all the classes in this course, along with contact information for the Course Scheduler and Course Host.

To have the best experience in the course, you will need to install the free Zoom app on the device you intend to use to participate in the classes. Install the software by going to this link and follow the directions.

Zoom Tutorials

Read more

Updating Your Zoom

If you installed the Zoom software more than a few weeks ago, you need to check for an update.

To check for a Zoom update:

  • Start the Zoom app
  • Click on the icon in the upper right corner of the Zoom app (see the image to the right)
  • Scroll down to the Check for Updates menu item and click on it to see if there is an available update. (see below)
  • You will either see a message saying “You are up to date” or you will see a dialogue box offering to install the newest version. If you aren’t up to date, install the latest version.

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General Information

Select any button below to learn more about that topic

Course Evaluations

Code of Conduct

I did not receive the ELLA Newsletter

ELLA Membership Surveys


How do I change my email address?

In-Person Session Information

Select any button below to learn more about that topic

ELLA Spring Session 2024 Information



What was the Cost of Spring Session 2023?



Join Waitlist This course is unavailable. Please click here to add your name to a waitlist
You need to Login for joining waitlist.

Go to your Account Info page. Change your email address to the new email address. Ensure that you have not made a typing error. Select the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page. You will receive an email confirming your email change.

If you do not receive a confirmation message to your new email address, then you have entered an invalid email address. In this case, use the CONTACT US form or send an email to

If you are a member and you discover that you are not receiving ELLA newsletters, please Login to ELLA, go to My Account then scroll down  to Other Links (left side) and click on Newsletters

ELLA volunteers take photos during Spring Session for use in our promotional material, newsletters, social media, and website. If you do not want your photograph taken, please let the photographer know and/or move aside so that you are not in the photograph.

The pricing structure was based on 4 periods per day. Art instruction classes are 2 periods (morning or afternoon) and all other classes, referred to as ‘regular’, are 1 period. 

$220 – This is the minimum price and is the cost of up to two periods. 

$300 –three periods. (i.e. one art instruction class plus one regular class, or 3 regular classes).

$360 – four periods. (i.e. one art instruction class plus two regular classes or 4 regular classes). 

ELLA submits a member list to U of Alberta Parking Services to allow members to purchase a parking permit for Spring Session. The cost for Spring Session 2023 is $90.

To purchase a pass:
  1. Go to, scroll down the page to find Manage Your Parking Permit.

  2. Click on the green bar Open Parking Account. This takes you to the parking portal.

  3. Scroll down and choose Get Permits from the menu.

  4. If you have a CCID choose UAlberta Login. 

    If you do not have a CCID choose Guest Login. This takes you to the Customer login page.

    If you are a returning customer, enter your email address and password.

    If you are a returning customer but have forgotten your account information choose: retrieve your account information.

    If you do not have a customer account, choose create one. This takes you to the Guest User Registration page.

  5. Log back in with email and password, and choose the Get Permit to see the locations available. Select a location (Education, Timms/Telus, Jubilee) and add it to the basket to pay. 
Once again, if you experience any difficulty with the process, please do not hesitate to contact

The ELLA Spring Session 2024 will take place from April 29 – May 17, 2024, at the University of Alberta. More information will be available closer to the Spring Session registration date.

All classes took place in the Education Centre, North or South located between 87 and 89 avenues and 114 and 112 Streets.

One Physical Education class takes place in the Van Vliet complex west of 114 street, near the Butterdome.

ELLA does not arrange accommodations. There are several options available at the University of Alberta.

Your Course Evaluation responses are significant for ELLA future program planning.  Your responses are anonymous and collated for the course and then for the overall Winter Session.  The information gathered guides the Program Development team in planning future courses.

Three days before the last class of the course a Course Evaluation will be added to your ELLA Account page under the title of ‘Available Surveys’.  To locate scroll down past ‘Your Courses’.  To access the evaluation, click on the course title in green letters (hyperlink to the evaluation).  Once the evaluation is opened you cannot go back to finish or change responses.  The evaluation closes three days after the last class.

If you are not seeing your course listed in Available Surveys, please directly contact or send a message via, your message will be forwarded to the Evaluation team.  An Evaluation team member will follow up with you. 

As one of the direct communication mediums employed by our ELLA Board, the All-Membership survey will be available for all members to respond to questions as well as share their thoughts and comments. Your responses to the questions posed, along with your comments are significant for planning the future of ELLA.

Tentatively you will receive an email blast announcing the All-Membership survey the second last week of Winter session. The survey will be open for 7 days. Once you open the survey, you cannot close and return to it later.

To locate the All-member survey to go to your ELLA My Account, scroll down past ‘Your Courses’ to ‘Available Surveys’. To access the evaluation, click on the survey title in green letters (hyperlink to the evaluation). Once the evaluation is opened you cannot go back to finish or change responses.

If you are not seeing the Winter Session all-member survey, please directly contact or send a message via , your message will be forwarded to the Evaluation team. An Evaluation team member will follow up with you.

ELLA is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination and harassment, and is supportive of the productivity, dignity, and self-esteem of every employee, volunteer, guest and participant in ELLA.

ELLA members, volunteers and guests are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action ranging from a simple discussion, to a warning, to revocation of membership including suspension from attending the Session.

Distance between classes, after-class discussions, mobility issues, and nonclass responsibilities can make us late for a class or lecture. However, it is possible to minimize the effects on others. These suggestions will help foster an atmosphere of respect for both presenters and other students:

The Education Centre’s ‘Euro Cafe’ is open for food and beverage purchase. You can bring your own food and use the tables across from the cafe, or eat and relax in the seating area in the north wing on the 2nd floor. Short walk options are Earls , Booster Juice and Corner HUB Cafe (south on 112 St to Campus Tower). HUB mall has a variety of kiosk eateries (walk N on 112 St to 89 Ave. Elevator thru LRT Station) and SUB (Students Union Building) (walk W on 89 ave).

Welcome Back Lifelong Learner!